
Full Profile
Ms. Cyntia Kamikazi
Director Gender, African Development Bank
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Ms. Rachel J
Team leader FCDO
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Mr. Edward Davey
Partnerships Director , FOLU
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Dr. Ozonnia Ojielo
UN Resident Coordinator, Rwanda
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Mr. Ertharin Cousin
Former WFP Executive Director
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Ms. Adeyinka Badejo
Deputy Regional Director, World Food Programme
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Ms. Alice Nzamukosha
Vice President of Zone 2, CODIGA Cooperative
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Mr. Bernard Hien
Regional Director, West and Central Africa Division, IFAD
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Mr. Ahmed Madobe Nunow
Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Federal Republic of Somalia
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Mr. Aissatou Ndiaye Dieng
UNHCR Representative Rwanda
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Hon. Ms. Josephine Joseph Lagu
Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security in South Sudan
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Mr. Kayitare Shema
Vice President of the Cooperative, CODIGA Cooperative
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Ms. Lian Biar Kuoirot Deng
NextGen Ag Impact Network, South Sudan
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Mr. Anthony Mhagama
Programme Manager, IUCN
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Ms. Martha Phiri
Director Social and Human Capital, AfDB
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Ms. Morgan Gillespy
Executive Director, Food and Land Use Coalition
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Ms. Nobuko Tabahshi
Executive Manager, UNICEF
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Dr. King-David Amoah
President of FONG, Network of West African Farmers and Agricultural Producers' Organizations (ROPPA) Ghana
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Ms. Esther Penuri
Philipines Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (Guest)
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Mr. Kolyang Palabele