
Full Profile
Ms. Cristina Duarte
UN USG, Special Advisor on Africa
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Mr. Daniel Whiley
Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, US Department of Agriculture
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Mr. Roberto Perosa
Vice Minister of Agriculture, Brazil
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H.E. Eric W. Kneedler
Ambassador of the USA to the Republic of Rwanda.
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Mr. Paul Garaycochea
Director for Sustainable supply chains; agricultural and food systems, BMZ,
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Mr. Mamadou Biteye
Executive Secretary, African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
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Ms. Astou Dia
President, Womens Investment Club (WIC)
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Ms. Mia Beers
Deputy Assistant Administrator Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security & USAID?Resilience Coordinator
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Mr. Paulin Basinga
Global Director of Policy Advocacy and Communication, BMGF
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Ms. Consolee Uwimana
Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Rwanda
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Ms. Victoria Sabula
CEO, Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
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Ms. Hope Murera
Managing Director and CEO, Zep-Re (PTA Reinsurance Company), Kenya
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Mr. Ougfaly Badji
Senior Rural Development Economist, Islamic Development Bank
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Ms. Natalie JABANGWE
Executive Secretary/CEO, Timbuktoo Africa Innovation Foundation
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Mr. Sam Akyianu
MD of Africa Growth Fund (Gender-lens investment
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Ms. Vivian Onano
Founder/Director at Leading Light Initiative
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Ms. Wanjiku
Coffee Farmer, Kenya
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Ms. Hedwig Siewertsen
Head of Inclusive Finance, AGRA
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Ms. Nelly Mukazayire
Deputy CEO, RDB
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Ms. Hindou Ibrahim Oumarou
Chadian Environment Activisi