
Full Profile
Ms. Agnes Kalibata
President, AGRA
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Mr. Amath Path Sene
Managing Director, Africa Food Systems Forum
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Ms. Femi Oke
International Journalist, Broadcaster and Moderator
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Hon. Ildephonse Musafiri
Minister of Agriculture and livestock Rwanda
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Hon. Dr. David Moinina Sengeh
Chief Minister & Chief Innovation Officer, Republic of Sierra Leone
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Hon Henry Musa Kpaka
Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sierra Leone
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Hon. Dr. Alpha Sesay
Minister of Trade and Industry, Sierra Leone
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Hon. Kenyeh Ballay
Minister of Planning and Economic Development
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Mr. Koroma Sheku Lexmond
CEO Investment and Export Promotion Agency
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Dr. Sidi Ould Tah
President of the BADEA Fund
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Mr. Andrew Steer
CEO of the Bezos Earth Fund
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Dr. Adbulhamid Alkhalifi
President OPEC Fund
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Dr. Paulo Gomes
Chairman Orango Investment
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Mr. Serge Ekue
President of the West African, Development Bank
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H.E. Dr. Omar Alieu Touray
President, ECOWAS
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Mr. John Agboola
Foundation Manager, ACGO Corporation, Nigeria
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Mr. Christian Irakoze
CEO Eza Neza and Vice- chairperson of RYAF, Rwanda
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Mr. Jean Paul Ndagijimana
AGRA Country Director, Rwanda
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Mr Ademola Ajagbe
Regional Managing Director, Africa, The Nature Conservancy
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Rt. Hon. Dr. Edouard Ngirente
Prime Minister of Rwanda
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Ms. Josefa Sacko
Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), AUC
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Hon. Hussein Mohammed Bashe
Minister of Agriculture of Tanzania
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Prof. Thomas Reardon
lead author, ASSR
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Mr. William Asiko
Vice President for Africa, Rockefeller Foundation
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Dr. Chema Triki
AASR Author
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Mr. Wandile Sihlobo
Chief Economist, AgBiz South Africa (AASR author)
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Hon. Rose Kayi Mivedor
Minister of Investment, Togo
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Mr. Michael Shaw
Director Well Sping Development
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Ms. Anna Riley
Managing Partner at Sofala Partners
Full Profile
Mr. Daniel Hailu
Executive Director , Mastercard
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Ms. Michelle Gortan
Chief Executive Officer, Macdoch Foundation.
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Mr. Jemery Awori
CEO Ecobank
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Dr. Simeon Ehui
Director-General, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture?(IITA)
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Ms. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko
Commissioner for Rural Agriculture at the African Union Commission
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Mr. Stefanos Fotiou
Director of the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub
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Mr. Claver Gatete
SG and Executive Secretary United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
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Mr. Carlos Manuel Rodriguez
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Hon. Dr. AlDahak
Minister of Environment of UAE, COP 28
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Hon. Bryan Acheampong
Minister of Agriculture Ghana
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Dr. Girma Amente
Minister of Agriculture, Ethiopia
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Ms. Susan Steffen
DG Pan-African Affairs, Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
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Mr. Nico Jensen
IKEA Foundation
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Ms. Nardos Bekele-Thomas
CEO, African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)?
Full Profile
Ms. Acha Leke
Senior Partner, Africa Chairman, McKinsey & Company, Africa
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Hon. Mutesi Linda Rusagara
Minister of State for Resource Mobilization and Public Investment, Rwanda
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H.E. Anne Tvinnereim
Minister of International Development, Norway
Full Profile
Dr. Beth Dunford
Vice President AfDB, Agriculture
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Dr. Frannie A. Léautier
CEO South Bridge Investments,
Full Profile
Mr. Francis Gatare
CEO, Rwanda Development Board
Full Profile
Ms. Delphine Traor
Regional CEO, Allianz Africa & AGRA Board Member
Full Profile
Mr. Jules Ngankam
Group CEO, Africa Guarantee Fund
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Mr. Partheeban Theodore
President, Regional Head, Olam Agri
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Mr. Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen
CEO Novo Nordisk Foundation CEO - Vice President Claus Felby
Full Profile
Mr. Jens Hartmann
Regional Head EMEA, Cropscience, Bayer
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Ms. Dina Esposito
Assistant to the Administrator - Resilience and Food Security (RFS), (USAID)
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Ms. Rita Zniber
President Diana Holdings, Morocco
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Ms. Zouera Youssoufou
Managing Director and CEO Dangote Foundation
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Mr. Bagore Bathily
CEO of Laiterie du Berger, Senegal
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Mr. Kevin Mbundu
Co-Founder, Kivu Noir, Rwanda
Full Profile
Ms. Sylvia Rotta
CEO Team Creatif, UK-France
Full Profile
Mr. Didier Acouetey
Chairman & Founder Africa SME Champions Forum
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Dr. Donal Brown
Associate Vice-President, Programme Management Department, IFAD
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Ms. Lillian Barnard
CEO Africa Microsoft
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Hon. Eric Rwigamba
Minister of State for Agriculture and Animal Resources
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H.E. Gaston Dossouhoui
Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries
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Dr. Mandefro Nigussie
CEO, Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute (ATI)
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Mr. Parmesh Shah
Global Lead, Data Driven, Digital Agriculture and Innovations, World Bank
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Mr. Stewart Collis
Senior Program Officer Digital Solutions, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Jonathan SSTC)
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Ms. Brenda Mulele Gunde
Global Senior Technical Specialist for ICT4D, International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)
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Mr. Josh Woodward
Digital Agriculture Advisor, USAID
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Mr. Innocent Musabyimana
Chief Agriculture Technology Officer, AFDB
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Ms. Niriksha Shetty
CEO, Precision Development (PxD)
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Mr. Rikin Gandhi
CEO, Digital Green
Full Profile
Dr. Rajeev Chawla
Strategic Advisor and Chief Knowledge Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India
Full Profile
Ms. Kamya Chandra
Chief Strategy Officer, Center for Digital Public Infrastructure
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Mr. Samuel Praveen
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India
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Mr. Sanjay Jain
Director, Digital Public Infrastructure, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF-DPI)
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Ms. Chen Hattav
Growing IL Ecosystem Development Manager, Israel Innovation Institute
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Mr. Kristofer Hamel
Ag Innovation Lead , President Court of the United Arab Emirates
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Dr. Enock Chikava
Director of Agricultural Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
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Mr. Eli Habimana
Managing Director Norrsken Africa
Full Profile
Ms. Danielle Nierenberg
Co-founder, The Food Tank
Full Profile
Mr. Chirstian Irakoze
Vertical & Hydroponics, Rwanda
Full Profile
Mr. Christian Merz
(GIZ) leading a BMGF funded project on AI information exchange for Ag advisory services
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Mr. Ranveer Chandra
(MSFT research) Building LLM for Ag at MSFT Research
Full Profile
Ms. Aisha Walcott-Bryant
Google Kenya Leading Google effort on AI with a focus on Africa
Full Profile
Mr. Ken Lohento
FAO - Gen AI for agriculture advisory services in Africa
Full Profile
Ms. Debrah Mallowah
Cluster Lead and Head of Bayer Africa
Full Profile
Mr. Daniel Annerose
CEO & Founder, Manobi Africa
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Ms. Wambui Chege
Director, Agrifood Systems & Climate at the Mastercard Foundation
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H.E. David Lane
(Ret.), President, Annenberg Foundation Trust & AGRA Board Member
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Hon. Frank Tumwebaze
Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and fisheries, Uganda
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Hon. Balarabe Abbas
Lawal, Minister of Environment
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Mr. Ibrahima Coulibaly
President of Network of Farmers' Organizations and Agricultural Producers of West Africa (ROPPA)
Full Profile
Ms. Ruth B. Musoke
Project Coordinator GROW, Private Sector Foundation, Uganda
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Mr. Lassine DEMBELE
Minister of Agriculture, Mali
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Hon. John Steenhuisen
Minister of Agriculture, South Africa
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Hon. Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani
Minister of Agriculture Cote dIvoire
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Mr. Divine Ntiokam
Executive Director, Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network Global (GCSAYN)
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Ms. Elizabeth Wanjiru Wathuti
Award-winning Kenyan environment activist
Full Profile
H.E. Reuben Mtolo Phiri
Minister of Agriculture of Zambia
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Ms. Elizabeth Nsimadala
President EAFF
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Mr. William Warshauer
President & CEO, TechnoServe
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Ms. Sephora Kodjo
CEO Foundation Sephix and co-founder African Women Leaders Network
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Mr. Arnold Puech d'Alissac
President of the WFO
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Mr. Khalid Bomba
MasterCard Foundation
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H.E. Dr. Jakaya Kikwete
Former President, United Republic of Tanzania
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H.E. Tony Blair
President of the TBI
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Hon. Didier Molisho Sadi
Chairperson Committee on Rural Economy and Agriculture, Pan-African Parliament (PAP)
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Hon. Ismal Sombi
Minister for Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries , Burkina Faso
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Hon. Gladys Ganda
Member of Parliament,?Malawi.?
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Hon. John Mutunga
Member of Parliament, Kenya
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Hon. Sidie Mohamed Tunis
Speaker, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament
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Mr. Zwelivelile Mandlesizwe Dalibhunga Mandela
Chairperson Parliament Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Republic of South Africa
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Hon. Godfred Seidu Jasaw
Member of Parliament, Ghana
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Hon. Abubakar Kyari
Minister of Agriculture and food Security , Nigeria
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Mr. Robert Ouma
Regional Director, DAI Policy LINK
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Hon. Yusuf Murangwa
Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda
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Hon. Neema Lugangira
Member of Parliament, Tanzania
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Mr. Francois Kanimba
Commissioner, Economic Community of Central African States, (ECCAS)
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Hon. Jeremy Lissouba
(MP), Assemble Nationale, Republic of Congo
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Hon. Desalegn Wedajo
Chairperson, Standing Committee for Planning, Budget and Finance, Ethiopia
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Hon. Samira Rafaela
Member of the European Parliament
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Prof. Ikechukwu Anthony Kanu
President, Association for the Promotion of African Studies
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Hon. Francoise Uwumukiza
member of parliament Rwanda and East Africa. Chairperson of the Committee on Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA)
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Ms. Sophie Healy
Thow, Global Citizen Prize Winner 2024, Act4Food Youth Movement
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Ms. Vanessa Nakate
Ugandan Activist
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Hon. Mukabalisa Donatille
Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of Rwanda
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Ms. Sherrie Silver
IFAD Advocate for Rural Youth, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
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Mr. Arne Cartridge
Special Advisor, Yara International
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Ms. Ada Osakwe
Managing Partner, Agrolay Ventures
Full Profile
Ms. Nancy Iraba
Healthy Seaweed CO. Limited (Seaweed Cafe), Tanzania
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Dr. Kelley Cormier
Food Safety Division Chief, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, United States Agency for International Development?(USAID)
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Mr. Israel Chigozirim
Riwe Technologies LLC, Nigeria
Full Profile
Mr. Thione Niang
CEO Jeuf Zone
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Mr. Winstone Odhiambo
Head of Tanzania, Yara International
Full Profile
Ms. Nana Amoah
Director, Gender, Youth and Inclusivity, AGRA
Full Profile
Ms. Jane Baldwin
Head, PANA, Mastercard Foundation
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Ms. Mildred Nadah Pita
Head of Public affairs sustainability and Safety Africa, BAYER
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Hon. Sandrine Umutoni
Minister of State for Youth , Rwanda
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Dr. Simon Winter
Executive Director, Syngenta Foundation
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Ms. Surita Sandosham
CEO, Heifer international
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Mr. Nixon Gecheo
Senior Digital Officer at AGRA, AGRA
Full Profile
Ms. Yana Watson Kakar
Youth Presidential Advisory Board, African Development Bank
Full Profile
Prof. Joachim von Braun
(Distinguished Professor, University of Bonn),
Full Profile
Dr. Ousmane Badiane
President AKADEMIYA 2063.
Full Profile
Ms. Lee Ann Jackson
UNITED STATES Head of the Agro-Food Trade and Markets Division, (OECD);
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Dr. Wanjiku Kamau Ruetenberg
Founder and Executive Director, B-WEL/Senior Fellow, Ford Foundation
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Ms. Wanjira Mathai
Head WRI
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Dr. Lauren M. Phillips
Deputy Director, FAO
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Dr. Agnes Quisumbing
Senior Research Fellow at IFPRI- CGIAR
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Mr. Gabriel Boc
Senior Agricultural Specialist, Green Climate Fund
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Dr. Lauren Lonchi
World Bank IFPRI
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Prof. Edward Mabaya
Department of Global Development, Cornell University
Full Profile
Dr. George Bigirwa
Executive Managing Director of CGIAR, AGRA
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Dr. Ismahane Elouafi
Executive Managing Director?of?CGIAR, AGRA
Full Profile
Mr. Paul Newman
CEO, SDG2 Advocacy Hub & Founder, Chefs Manifesto
Full Profile
Mr. Roy Steiner
Rockefeller Foundation
Full Profile
Ms. Kaya Sheila
MasterCard Foundation
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Ms. Esther Dassanou
Director, Gender Programs, Mastercard,
Full Profile
Chef Pierre Thiam
Chef at Nok by Alara
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Chef Dieuveil Malonga
Chef at Meza Malonga
Full Profile
Dr. Sylvia Lopez-Ekra
Deputy Director, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub,
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Ms. Estherine Lisinge Fotabong
Director of Programmes, NEPAD
Full Profile
Dr. Lawrance Haddad
Full Profile
Hon. Datuk Seri Haji Mohamad Sabu
National Agrofood Policy 2021-2030 (NAP 2.0), Malaysia
Full Profile
Hon. Paulo Texeira
Minister of Agrarian Development and Family Farming,
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Hon. Dr. Mohamed Sadiki
Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Forestry of the Kingdom of Morocco
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Hon. Dr. Mabouba Diagne
Minister of Agriculture, Food Souverainity and Livestock, Senegal
Full Profile
Mr. Boaz Keizire
Head, Policy & Advocacy, AGRA
Full Profile
Dr. Benedik Oramah
President of Afri Exim bank,
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Dr. Alvaro lario
President, International Fund of Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Full Profile
Mr. Diagana Ousmane
Vice President for West and Central Africa, World Bank Africa
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Dr. George Donkor
President, EBID
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H.E. Aly Lamine Zeine
Prime Minister of Niger,
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Hon. Mithika Linturi
Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya
Full Profile
Ms. Ann Vaughan
Deputy Assistant Administrator for USAID's Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security (REFS), USAID
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Mr. Johan Swinnen
Director General, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
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Mr. Michael Sudarkasa
CEO, African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP)
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Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa
Director of Agriculture and Rural Development, African Union
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Mr. Christian Witt
Senior Program Officer - Soil Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
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Mr. Mehdi Filali
VP Farmer Solutions, OCP Africa, Morocco
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Mr. Luis Alfredo Peréz
Senior Vice President, Business Unit Africa, Yara International
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Mr. Henk van Duijn
President and CEO, International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC)
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Mr. Vishwajit Sinha
CEO Dangote Fertilizer
Full Profile
Prof. Fatunbi Oluwole
Director of Research and Innovation, FARA
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Hon. Dr. Demba Sabally
Minister of Agriculture, The Republic of The Gambia
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Hon. Ernesto Max Elias Tonela
Minister of Economy & Finance, Mozambique
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Hon. Chipoka Mulenga
Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Zambia
Full Profile
Mr. Patrick Heffer
Deputy Director General, International Fertilizer Association (IFA)
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Dr. Aggrey Angumya
Executive Director,?Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
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Director of Cabinet and UNFSS National Convenor, Benin
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Hon. Celso Ismael Correia
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Mozambique
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Mr. Sean De Cleene
Former Special Adviser to the UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Food Security and Nutrition
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H.E. Ms. Paula Ingabire
Minister of ICT & Innovation, Rwanda
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Mr. Raph Mupita
group president and CEO MTN,
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Ms. Maryanne Ruguru Gichanga
Director, AgriTech Analytics, Kenya
Full Profile
Ms. Lucy Chioma Aniagola
Founder, Agrodemy Enterprises
Full Profile
Mr. Dick Lukala
FSC, Ifakara
Full Profile
Ms. Esther Kimani
Founder and CEO, Farmer Lifeline Technologies
Full Profile
Mr. Ayodeji Balogun
Full Profile
Mr. Amadou Gallo Fall
President of Basketball Africa League,
Full Profile
Mr. Nick Barigwe
CEO Rwanda Finance Limited,
Full Profile
Mr. Jeremy Awory
Ecobank CEO,
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Mr. Brian Milder
Founder and CEO of Aceli Africa ( Africa SMEs)
Full Profile
Ms. Marie Ange Mukagahima
Managing Director, Zima Health Group, Rwanda
Full Profile
Ms. Ogola Lois Kange
CEO, Smileyz Kitchen, Nigeria
Full Profile
Mr. Nana Opoku Agyeman-Prempeh
CEO, GrowForMe
Full Profile
Mr. Abrhame Endrias
Founder and Managing Director, Lersha Platform
Full Profile
Mr. Georgie Ndirangu
former Head of Pan-African Program Communications, Mastercard Foundation
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Dr. Jean-Chrysostome Ngabitsinze
Minister of Trade and Industry, Rwanda
Full Profile
H.E. Mutale Nalumango
Vice President of Zambia
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Mr. Albert Halwampa
Director General, Zambia Development Agency,
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Hon. Situmbeko Musokotwane
Minister of Finance, Zambia
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Hon. Collins Nzovu
Minister Green Economy and Environment, Zambia
Full Profile
Dr. Victoria KwaKwa
Regional Vice President for Eastern and Southern Africa, World Bank
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H.E. Chileshe Kapwepwe
COMESA Secretary General
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Ms. Jolenta Joseph
Founder, Sanavita Company Limited, Tanzania
Full Profile
Mr. Ernest Mugisha
Business Leader, Speaker & International Host, Rwanda
Full Profile
Ms. Maya Stewart
Co-Founder, Lenzie Mills, Malawi
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Dr. Martin Fregene
Director of Agriculture, African Development Bank (AfDB),
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Dr. Gunhild Anker Stordalen
Founder and Executive Chair, EAT
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Hon. Renata Miranda
Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply, Brazil
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H.E. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
Former President, Nigeria
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Dr. Francesco Branca
Director, Nutrition for Health and Development, (WHO)
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Ms. Hanna Tetteh
Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Horn of Africa
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Mr. Omar Abdi
Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF
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Dr. Appolinaire Djikeng
Director General (ILRI) Senior Director for Livestock Based-Systems (CGIAR), ILRI and CGIAR
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Ms. Bettina Iseli
CEO Member Executive Management and Chief Program Officer, WHH (Welthungerhilfe).
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Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director General, WHO
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Dr. Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted
Global Lead for Nutrition and Public Health, World Fish & World Food Prize Laureate,
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Dr. Patrick Webb
Chief Nutritionist
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Dr. Matshidiso Moeti
Regional Director Africa, World Health Organization (WHO),
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Mr. Steven Smidth
Crop Trust
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Ms. Ann Twiler
Board Chair, GAIN
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Ms. Anita Zaidi
President of Gender Equality, BMGF
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Ms. Valerie Guarnieri
Assistant Executive Director, World Food Program
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Ms. Janet Karemera
CEO Rwanda Convention Bureau
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Chief Tourism Officer, Rwanda Development Board
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Ms. Santiago Alba Corral
Vice President Programs and Partnership, IDRC
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Ms. Siny Samba
CEO, Le Lionceau (Senegal), 2023 Waya winner
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Mr. Mossadeck Bally
CEO and Founder of the Azalai Hotel Group,
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Mr. Peiman Milani
Director, Food Initiative, Rockefeller Foundation
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Ms. Yvonne Makolo
CEO Rwandair
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Ms. Christine Campeau
Global Advocacy Director, Food Systems, CARE International,
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Mr. Ndavi Muia
Regional head Africa
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Ms. Kitty Van der Heijden
Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF,
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Ms. Clare Akamazi
CEO NBA Africa ,
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H.E. Geoge Weah
Former President of Liberia
Full Profile
Mr. Amadou Galo Fall
President of NBA Africa
Full Profile
Dr. Sabin Nsanzimana
?Minister of Health, Rwanda
Full Profile
Ms. Marlne Ngoyi
CEO FEDA, Rwanda,
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Ms. Diane Karusisi
CEO Bank of Kigali,
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Hon. Aurore Mimosa MUNYANGAJU
Minister of Sports Rwanda
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Mr. Laurence Haddad
Excutive Director Gain
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Ms. Isabelle Masozera
Women Empowerment Champion, Global Moderator and Journalist
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Ms. Vicki Wilde
Senior Program Officer, BMGF
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Ms. Hixonia Nyasulu
Founder, Ayavuna Womens Investments & AGRA Board Member
Full Profile
Ms. Hellen Onyango Oyare
Helena Agspace, Kenya
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Ms. Nathalie Akon Gabala
Director, Gender and Economic Inclusion, IFC
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Ms. Kampeta Pitechette Sayinzoga
CEO BRD, Rwanda
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Hon. Sam Kawale
Minister of Agriculture Malawi
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Ms. Binta Touré Ndoye
AGRA Board Member,
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Ms. Betty Kiplagat
Government Affairs Leader, Africa & the Middle East, Corteva,
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Ms. Judy Matu
National Executive Chairlady, AWAK,
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Ms. Jane Maigua
CEO Exotic Nuts EPZ,
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Ms. Oluyemisi Iranloye
CEO, Psaltry International, 2023 WAYA Award winner
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Ms. Jennifer Ramnauth
Chief Digital & Information Officer at the Mastercard Foundation
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H.E. Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki
The African Union Special Envoy for Food Systems
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Sir David Nabarro
Strategic Director, 4SD Foundation
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Dr. Fadel Ndiame
Chief Executive Officer, FSTS (PTY) Ltd, ACMC Certified Coach, Group Executive, Senegal
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Ms. Carla Montesi
EU Director for Green Deal and Digital Agenda, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, Belgium
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Mr. Leonard Mizzi
Head of Unit at the European Commission, Directorate-General (DG) for International Partnerships - Sustainable Agri-Food systems and Fisheries
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H.E. Stefano Gatti
Director General for Development Cooperation, Italy
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H.E. Dr. Amna Al Shamsi
Minister of Climate Change and Environment, UAE
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Ms. Inger Andersen
Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
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Ms. Diane Holdorf
Executive Vice President, WBCSD
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Mr. El Hadji As Sy
Chair Koffi Annan Foundation
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Hon. Jenny Moffitt
Under Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs, United States Department of Agriculture?(USDA)
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Ms. Melinda Bohannon
DG Humanitarian & Development, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), UK
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Ms. Cristina Duarte
UN USG, Special Advisor on Africa
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Mr. Daniel Whiley
Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, US Department of Agriculture
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Mr. Roberto Perosa
Vice Minister of Agriculture, Brazil
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H.E. Eric W. Kneedler
Ambassador of the USA to the Republic of Rwanda.
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Mr. Paul Garaycochea
Director for Sustainable supply chains; agricultural and food systems, BMZ,
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Mr. Mamadou Biteye
Executive Secretary, African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
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Ms. Astou Dia
President, Womens Investment Club (WIC)
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Ms. Mia Beers
Deputy Assistant Administrator Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security & USAID?Resilience Coordinator
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Mr. Paulin Basinga
Global Director of Policy Advocacy and Communication, BMGF
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Ms. Consolee Uwimana
Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Rwanda
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Ms. Victoria Sabula
CEO, Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
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Ms. Hope Murera
Managing Director and CEO, Zep-Re (PTA Reinsurance Company), Kenya
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Mr. Ougfaly Badji
Senior Rural Development Economist, Islamic Development Bank
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Ms. Natalie JABANGWE
Executive Secretary/CEO, Timbuktoo Africa Innovation Foundation
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Mr. Sam Akyianu
MD of Africa Growth Fund (Gender-lens investment
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Ms. Vivian Onano
Founder/Director at Leading Light Initiative
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Ms. Wanjiku
Coffee Farmer, Kenya
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Ms. Hedwig Siewertsen
Head of Inclusive Finance, AGRA
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Ms. Nelly Mukazayire
Deputy CEO, RDB
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Ms. Hindou Ibrahim Oumarou
Chadian Environment Activisi
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Ms. Cyntia Kamikazi
Director Gender, African Development Bank
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Ms. Rachel J
Team leader FCDO
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Mr. Edward Davey
Partnerships Director , FOLU
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Dr. Ozonnia Ojielo
UN Resident Coordinator, Rwanda
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Mr. Ertharin Cousin
Former WFP Executive Director
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Ms. Adeyinka Badejo
Deputy Regional Director, World Food Programme
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Ms. Alice Nzamukosha
Vice President of Zone 2, CODIGA Cooperative
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Mr. Bernard Hien
Regional Director, West and Central Africa Division, IFAD
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Mr. Ahmed Madobe Nunow
Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Federal Republic of Somalia
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Mr. Aissatou Ndiaye Dieng
UNHCR Representative Rwanda
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Hon. Ms. Josephine Joseph Lagu
Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security in South Sudan
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Mr. Kayitare Shema
Vice President of the Cooperative, CODIGA Cooperative
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Ms. Lian Biar Kuoirot Deng
NextGen Ag Impact Network, South Sudan
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Mr. Anthony Mhagama
Programme Manager, IUCN
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Ms. Martha Phiri
Director Social and Human Capital, AfDB
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Ms. Morgan Gillespy
Executive Director, Food and Land Use Coalition
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Ms. Nobuko Tabahshi
Executive Manager, UNICEF
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Dr. King-David Amoah
President of FONG, Network of West African Farmers and Agricultural Producers' Organizations (ROPPA) Ghana
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Ms. Esther Penuri
Philipines Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (Guest)
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Mr. Kolyang Palabele
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Mr. Ishmael Sunga
Full Profile
Ms. Ruramiso Mashumba
Regional Lead: Africa, Global Farmer Network (GFN), Zimbabwe
Full Profile
Ms. Juliana Kantengwa
Farmers association Rwanda
Full Profile
Farmers organization, Kenya
Full Profile
Mr. Forster Boeteng
Deputy CEO - Operations, Tree Crop Authority, Ghana
Full Profile
Ms. Manes Ngoma
President, Farmers Union of Malawi
Full Profile
Mr. Stephen Muchiri
CEO, Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF)
Full Profile
Mr. Philip Kiriro
East Africa Farmers Federation Board Member  
Full Profile
Dr. Sinare Yusufu Sinare
President, SACAU
Full Profile
Dr. Olivier Kamana
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Animal Resources (MINAGRI), Rwanda
Full Profile
Dr. Babafemi Oyewole Olulopo
CEO, Pan-African Farmers Organization
Full Profile
Ms. Anita Erskine
Erskine Global Communications
Full Profile
Prof. Carlos Lopes
Professor, Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town
Full Profile
H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta
Former President, Republic of Kenya
Full Profile
H.E. Lionel Zinsou
Former Prime Minister, Republic of Benin; Founder and Managing Partner, Southbridge
Full Profile
His Majesty King Letsie III
Kingdom of Lesotho
Full Profile
Dr. Donald Kaberuka
Chairman and Managing Partner of SouthBridge 
Full Profile
Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs
world-renowned economics professor, bestselling author,
Full Profile
Dr. Maximo Torrero
Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Full Profile
Mr. Pascal Lamy
Chair of the Paris Peace Forum and the Climate overshot commission
Full Profile
H.E. Mohamed Beavogui
Former Prime Minister Guinea
Full Profile
Dr. Bram Govaerts
Director General, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
Full Profile
Dr. Qixin
Senior lecture China Agricultural University, CAU President
Full Profile
Prof. Shenggen Fan
China Agricultural University, CAU President
Full Profile
Ms. Xiaoyun Li
China Agricultural University, CAU President 
Full Profile
Mr. Jonathan Said
Vice President, Center for Technical Expertise, AGRA
Full Profile
Dr. Stella Nordhagen
Senior Technical Specialist, Switzerland
Full Profile
Mr. Daniel Njiwa
Head of Regional Food Trade & Resilience under Policy & State Capability Division, AGRA
Full Profile
Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Director General WTO
Full Profile
Mr. Wamkele Keabetswe Mene
Secretary General ,AfCFTA
Full Profile
Dr. Gaimore Zanamwe
Managing Director Afriexim Bank
Full Profile
Hon. Arefaine Berhe
Minister of Agriculture Erythrea
Full Profile
Dr. Boubacar Manneh
Africa Rice Director General
Full Profile
Mr. Freddie Tucker
Investment Director, British International Investment
Full Profile
Mr. Ramesh Moochikal
Chief Executive Officer, Africa Improved Foods
Full Profile
Mr. Lubiao Zhang
Director General, Foreign Economic Cooperation Center, MARA, China
Full Profile
Dr. Wamkele Mene
Secretary General of AfCFTA
Full Profile
Ms. Providence Mavubi
COMESA Director
Full Profile
Mr. Tom Kehoe
Lead Regional Program Africa, BMGF
Full Profile
Mr. Mansoor Ahmad
MBE, Deputy Group Head – Africa Economic Development & Team Lead – Agribusiness Investment & Food Trade, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
Full Profile
Dr. Jean Chrysostome Ngabitsinze
Minister of Trade and Industry of Rwanda
Full Profile
Mr. Serigne Gueye Diop
Minister of Commerce and Industry, Senegal
Full Profile
Ms. Doherty Oluranti
Director Export Department, Afri Exim Bank
Full Profile
Hon. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for Vietnam.
Full Profile
Mr. Mulualem Syoum
CEO, AeTrade Group (AeTrade Group)
Full Profile
Mr. Daouda Sembene
CEO, AfriCatalyst (former Executive Director, IMF)
Full Profile
Ms. Katerina Ntep
Deputy Vice President for Sector Operations, Millennium Challenge Corporation
Full Profile
Dr. Deodone
Perdue University
Full Profile
Hon. Anxious Masuka
Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement, Zimbabwe
Full Profile
Mr. Gilbert Nyatanyi
CEO, Agaciro
Full Profile
Hon. Gabriel Mbairobe
Minister of Agriculture of Cameroon
Full Profile
Mr. Forster Boateng
Deputy CEO, Operations, Tree Crop Authority, Ghana
Full Profile
Ms. Treasure Maphanga
Chief Operating Officer, AeTrade Group
Full Profile
Mr. Kebba Colley
Director of Inclusive Business, IDH
Full Profile
Mr. Alfred Chengula
Cofounder, Imara Tech
Full Profile
Mr. Isdor Paul Nkindi
Principal Legal Officer, BRELA 
Full Profile
Mr. Claude Bizimana
Full Profile
Mr. Daan Wensing
Full Profile
Ms. Sarah Dahhani
Agronomic project manager , OCP Africa
Full Profile
Ms. Aissa Toure
AfDB Country Representative, Rwanda
Full Profile
Ms. Shudufhadzo Musida
Miss South Africa 2020 & UNFPA's Regional Champion
Full Profile
Ms. Afshan Khan
Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Coordinator of the Scaling Up Nutrition, SUN Movement
Full Profile
Ms. Emmastella Gakuo
COO, Savannah Circuit, Kenya
Full Profile
Ms. Charlotte Binya
Founder, Women in Africa, Cameroon
Full Profile
Ms. Hadija Jabiri
Managing Director and Founder, GBRI Ltd
Full Profile
Mr. Omid Kassiri
Managing Partner of McKinsey East Africa, Co-Leader of Agriculture Practice in Africa, McKinsey & Company, Nairobi
Full Profile
Mr. Fred Swaniker
Entrepreneur, CEO of ALU
Full Profile
Mr. Jehiel Oliver
Founder, Hello Tractor
Full Profile
Mr. Eloge Niyomwungere
Best Food Solutions, Burundi
Full Profile
Ms. Silahlekelwe Mbotana
Tarima Vegetables, Zimbabwe
Full Profile
Ms. Marcelline Koutatouka
mkTOTO, Congo
Full Profile
Ms. Judith Endelesi Karia
Founder and Managing Director, Ava Group Investment, Tanzania
Full Profile
Mr. Lionel Kadja
Regional Manager, AGRA ( curator)
Full Profile
H.E. Robert Beugré Mambé
Prime Minister of Cote d’Ivoire
Full Profile
Hon. Souleymane DIARRASSOUBA
Minister of Trade and Industry, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
Full Profile
Mr. Michel Arrion
Executive Director, International Cocoa Organization
Full Profile
Mr. Makhtar Diop
Managing Director IFC
Full Profile
Hon. Jacques Assahore Konan
Minister of Environment of Cote d'Ivoire
Full Profile
Mr. Ndayambaje Christian
RYAF member, CEO of NCWC Ltd. and the vice coordinator of RYAF, Rwanda  
Full Profile
Dr. Abebe Haile-Gabriel
Assistant Director General, Regional Representative for Africa, FAO
Full Profile
Prof. Eric Yirenkyi Danquah
Director, West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement, Africa Food Prize 2022 Winner
Full Profile
Mr. Ibrahima Cheikh Diong
Special Representative to the President of BADEA on ESGs and Former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) and Director General (GDG) of the African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group
Full Profile
H.E. Khalifa Al Kuwari
DG Qatar Fund for Development
Full Profile
Ms. Sanda Ojiambo
CEO & Executive Director Global Compact
Full Profile
Ms. Elisabeth Mrema
Deputy ED UNEP
Full Profile
Mr. James Mwagui
President, Equity bank
Full Profile
CEO, Swedfund
Full Profile
Ms. Delphine Traore
Africa Director SANLAM
Full Profile
Ms. Vera Songwe
Chair of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility
Full Profile
Mr. Ssenyimba Samuel Collin
Lead , Lead Investment Portofolio, BMGF
Full Profile
Mr. Chris Mitchell
Economic Development Expert, BCG
Full Profile
Mr. Frank ASWANI
CEO, African Venture Philanthropy Alliance
Full Profile
Mr. Felix Lamah
Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Guinea
Full Profile
Ms. Aissata Lam
CEO Investment Promotion Agency of Mauritania (APIM)
Full Profile
Mr. Nick Barigye
CEO Kigali Financial Centre
Full Profile
Ms. Éliane Ubalijoro
PhD Director GFeneral, ICRAF CIFOR
Full Profile
Mr. Vera Sekaran
Managing Director, Vertivegies, Singapore farms with Artificial Intelligence ( Singapore)
Full Profile
Ms. Gerardine Mukeshimana
Full Profile
Ms. Susan M. Lund
Vice President, Economics and Private Sector Development, IFC
Full Profile
Ms. Liz Wilson
Deputy CEO, Small Foundation
Full Profile
Dr. Axel Klaphake
Director Economic and Social Development, Digitalisation(GIZ)
Full Profile
Mr. Sriram Bharatam
CEO and Founder Kuza, Kenya
Full Profile
Mr. Albert Munyabugingo
Co-founder and CEO Vuba Vuba Africa LtD, Rwanda
Full Profile
Mr. Ivan Shema
CEO of 1000 hills products
Full Profile
Mr. Ken Akinwande
Head Digital , OCP
Full Profile
Ms. Anu Adedoyin Adasolum
Co-Founder, CEO at Sabi
Full Profile
Mr. Ismael Belkhayat
CEO and Founder, Chari, Morocco
Full Profile
Ms. Adesuwa Ifedi
Senior Vice President of Africa Programs, Heifer International
Full Profile
Ms. Coura SENE
Regional Director, wave Digital Finance
Full Profile
Ms. Daniel Whitley
Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, US Department of Agriculture
Full Profile
Ms. Dani Nierengberg
President Global Alliance for the Future of Food or Food tank
Full Profile
Mr. Martien Van Nieuwkoop
Senior Director, BMGF
Full Profile
Ms. Maria Helena Semedo
Deputy Director-General, FAO and former Minister
Full Profile
Dr. James Mwangi
CEO, Equity Bank
Full Profile
Dr. Strive Masiyiwa
Chairman of international technology groups Econet
Full Profile
Dr. Mo Ibrahim 
CEO Mo Ibrahim Foundation
Full Profile
Mr. Rodger Voorhies
President - Global Growth and Opportunity Division, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) & AGRA Board Member
Full Profile
Executive Vice Chair, The Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation
Full Profile
Ms. Asahi POMPEY
President Goldman Sachs Foundation, Goldman Sachs
Full Profile
Mr. Frank Braeken
Non-Executive Director and Chairman and AGRA Board Member
Full Profile
Ms. Malfada Duarte
Executive Director Green Climate Fund
Full Profile
Ms. Diane Potey
Regional Lead of the Dutch Fund for Climate Development
Full Profile
Mr. Per Heggenes
CEO of IKEA Foundation, 
Full Profile
Dr. Birama Sidibé
Member of ABC Fund Investment Committee
Full Profile
Vice President & General Manger for East Africa, Visa
Full Profile
Mr. Malle Diagana
Africa Director GGGI
Full Profile
Ms. Atsuko Toda
Senior Director, Entrepreneurship Development, Pan African Programs at the Mastercard Foundation
Full Profile
Dr. Victor Oladokun
Communication and Media Advisor,
Full Profile
H.E. Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete
Former President, United Republic of Tanzania
Full Profile
Dr.  Francis Mustapha Kai-Kai
Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Sierra Leone
Full Profile
Hon. Romuald Wadagni
Minister of Economy and Finance,  
Full Profile
Mr. Ahmed Shid
Minister of Finance, Ethiopia
Full Profile
Dr. Mohammed Amin ADAM
Minister of Finance, Ghana
Full Profile
Hon. Mwigulu Nchemba
Minister of Finance , Tanzania
Full Profile
Hon. Wale Edun
Minister of finance and Economy
Full Profile
Hon. Simplex Chithyola Banda
Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Malawi
Full Profile
Hon. Alousséni Sanou
Minister of Economy and Finance Mali
Full Profile
Hon. Ali Lamine Zeine
Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, Niger
Full Profile
Mr. Cheikh Diba
Minister of Finance and budget
Full Profile
Hon. Aboubacar Nacanabo
Minister of Economy Finance and Foresight, Burkina
Full Profile
Hon. Matia Kasaija
Minister of Finance, planning and economic development, Uganda
Full Profile
Dr. Benedik Oramah
President of Afri Exim bank,
Full Profile
Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland
Commonwealth Secretary-General.
Full Profile
Ms. Marlene Ngoyi
Chief Executive Officer of the Fund for Export-Development in Africa (FEDA)
Full Profile
Dr. Patrick Verkoojen
CEO, Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)
Full Profile
Mr. Mostapha Terab
Managing Director, OCP
Full Profile
Mr. George Ndirangu
Consultant. Former Head of Pan-African Program Communications at Mastercard Foundation, and BBC Broadcaster & Cheng Cheng ( AGRA )
Full Profile
H.E. Christine Nkulikiyinka
CEO Rwanda Cooperation Initiative
Full Profile
Ms. Cristine Duarte
SG’s Special representative for Africa
Full Profile
Mr. Xiaoyong Wang
CABC President China Africa Business Council CCA, manuel
Full Profile
Mr. Ken Poonoosamy
Economic Development Board, Mauritius
Full Profile
Mr. Bakary Sega Bathily
CEO APIX Senegal
Full Profile
Mr. Laurent Gangbes
CEO, Agence de Promotion des Investissements et des Exportations, Benin
Full Profile
Ms. Aïssata Lam
Director-General, Agence de Promotion des Investissements en Mauritanie
Full Profile
Mr. Jerome Hassler
Chief of Staff to Group Chairman UPL
Full Profile
Mr. Omid Kasiri
Managing Partner for McKinsey's East Africa office
Full Profile
Ms. Damilola Ogunbiyi
Special envoy SE4All Nigeria
Full Profile
Ms. Francesco Lacamera
Director General, IRENA
Full Profile
Dr. Namukolo Covic
ILRI DG Rep & CGIAR East & Southern Africa Regional Director
Full Profile
Mr. Joseph Ngagan
Interim CEO, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP).
Full Profile
Mr. Carlos Sordo
Senior Project Manager Productive Uses of Renewable Energy, GOGLA
Full Profile
Mr. Leo Blyth
(expert in cold chain) or Charlie Miller (resp. Person at WB-ESMAP with Productive Uses of Renewable Energy).
Full Profile
Ms. Sarah Alexander
Global Technical Advisor, Off Grid Electrification SNV
Full Profile
Hon. Ophelia Mensah Hayford
(MP), Minister of Environment, Science, Innovation and Technology  
Full Profile
Hon. Keda Balla
Minister of Production and Agricultural Industrialization
Full Profile
Mr. Mehrdad Ehsani
Vice President, Africa, Food The Rockefeller Foundation
Full Profile
Mr. Mohamadou Tounkara
Regional Director MENA, GGGI
Full Profile
Mr. Hack Stiernblad
CEO, SunCulture
Full Profile
Dr. Fadi Chen
Nanjing Agricultural University NJAU President
Full Profile
Ms. Betty Kibara
Director Food Initiative, Rockefeller Foundation
Full Profile
Dr. Tilahum Amede
Director , Climate AGRA
Full Profile
Dr. Daouda Ndiaye
Islamic Development Bank, Manager Climate,
Full Profile
Dr. Richard Munang
Head of Global Environment Monitoring systems,UNEP
Full Profile
H.E. El Sayed El Quseir
Minister of Agriculture and Land Recclamation, Egypt
Full Profile
Mr. Charles Karangwa
Regional Lead, Forests, Landscapes, and Livelihoods Programme for Africa, IUCN
Full Profile
Mr. Hein Schumacher
CEO Unilever
Full Profile
Mr. Mohamed Bakaar
Manager, Integration and Knowledge Management Division, GEF
Full Profile
Ms. Marilia Bezerra
Chief Programmes Officer, IKEA Foundation
Full Profile
Hon. Soipan Tuya
Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry, Kenya
Full Profile
Dr. Telesphore Ndabamenye 
Director General , Rwanda Agricultural and Animal Resources Board
Full Profile
Ms. Sara Mbago-Bhunu
Director East and Southern Africa Division, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) ,
Full Profile
Ms. Damilola Aminat Adeyemi
Co-Founder, D-Olivette Enterprise, Nigeria
Full Profile
Ms. Edith Wheatland
CEO, Rockland Farms, Ghana
Full Profile
Dr. Bridgitta Steyn
Research Platform Manager for Microbials at Natural Plant Protection (NPP), UPL
Full Profile
Ms. Annemieke Beekmans
Global Head Agri-food, SNV
Full Profile
Mr. Don White
CEO, Agventure Ltd.
Full Profile
Africa Director, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)
Full Profile
Ms. Betty Kibaara
Director, Food Initiative, Rockefeller Foundation
Full Profile
Ms. Hazel Awino
CEO, Agri Innovation Hub, Kenya)
Full Profile
Mr. John Ellenberger
SVP Venture 37, Land O’Lakes, USA
Full Profile
Mr. Zachary Stewart
Production Systems Technical Advisor ( USAID)
Full Profile
Ms. Nancy Rapando
Africa's Food Future Initiative Lead, WWF
Full Profile
Dr. Sieglinde Snapp
Global Program Director – Sustainable Agri-food Systems, CIMMYT
Full Profile
Dr. Valentine Uwamariya
Minister of Environment, Rwanda
Full Profile
Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw
Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the UNCCD
Full Profile
Hon. Ms. Veronica Mueni Nduva
Secretary General of the East African Community
Full Profile
Dr. Bernard Vanlauwe
Deputy Director, Director R4D, and Director for Natural Resources Management, International Institutes of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Full Profile
Dr. Tilahun Amede
Head of Resilience, Climate and Soil Fertility, AGRA
Full Profile
Dr. Joe Cornelius
CEO, Bill & Melinda Gates Agricultural Innovations
Full Profile
Dr. Leigh Ann Winowiecki
CIFOR & Co-Lead, Global Research Leader Soil and Land Health
Full Profile
Dr.  Yona Baguma
Director General (DG) of National Agricultural Research Organization
Full Profile
Mr. Andre de Jager
Director Technical Expertise, SNV
Full Profile
Mr. Nico Janssen
Programme Manager Agricultural Livelihoods, IKEA Foundation
Full Profile
Mr. Ron Rosati
PhD, Vice Chancellor , RICA Rwanda
Full Profile
Mr. Amadou Ba
Founder and Executive Chairman of AllAfrica Global Media
Full Profile
Mr. Charles Obbo
Journalist I Writer I Futurist I Curator THE WALL OF GREAT AFRICANS (WoGA)
Full Profile
Mr. Larry Madowa
CNN correspondent
Full Profile
Mr. Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard
Founder, chairman and owner of APO Group,
Full Profile
Mr. Neil Watkins
leads policy, advocacy, and communications, BMGF
Full Profile
Ms. Pamela Sittoni
Executive Editor and Managing Editor, Daily Nation, Kenya
Full Profile
Ms. Kate
Media Head, Bill & Melinda Gates Agricultural Innovations
Full Profile
Mr. David Biello
TED Curator on Climate Curation and its catalytic power
Full Profile
Mr. Ibrahima Sagna
Executive Chairman Silverback Holdings
Full Profile
Ms. Rex Chapota
Executive Director at National Youth Council, Malawi.
Full Profile
Ms. Lydia Fabienne Beaufort
Regional Director , Hoope Africa, Communication
Full Profile
Ms. Amy Sarr
CEO Intelligences citoyennes
Full Profile
Mr. Rob Bertram
Chief Scientist in USAID's Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (USAID),
Full Profile
Mr. Paul Newnham
CEO - SDG2 Advocacy Hub & Founder Chefs’ Manifesto
Full Profile
Dr. Geeta Sethi
Advisor, Global Agriculture Practice, World Bank
Full Profile
Mr. Gonzalo Muñoz
UN Climate Change High-Level Champion from the COP25 Presidency, Chile
Full Profile
Ms. Susan Chomba
Director of Vital Landscapes, WRI Africa
Full Profile
Ms. Mafalde Duarte
Executive Director Green Climate Fund
Full Profile
Mr. Ramaru Tlou
Green Climate Fund Board member, South Africa
Full Profile
Dr. Anthony Nyong
Director, Climate Change and Green Growth, AfDB
Full Profile
Mr. Teddy Mugabo
CEO Rwanda Green Fund
Full Profile
Mr. Jeff Koinange
Anchor/Talk Show Host
Full Profile
Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina
President of the African Development Bank Group
Full Profile
H.E. Ousmane Sonko
Prime Minister of Senegal
Full Profile
Hon. Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine
Prime Minister of Niger
Full Profile
H.E. Robinah Nabbanja
Prime Minister of Uganda
Full Profile
H.E. Musalia Mudavadi
Prime Minister of Kenya
Full Profile
H.E. Kassim Majaliwa
Prime Minister of Tanzania
Full Profile
H.E. Adriano Afonso Maleiane
Prime Minister Mozambique
Full Profile
H.E. Dr. Michael Biswick
Vice President of Malawi
Full Profile
H.E. Kyelem De Tambela
Prime Minister, Burkina
Full Profile
H.E. Chogel Kokalla Maiga
Prime Minister, Mali
Full Profile
H.E. Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia
Vice President of Ghana
Full Profile
Ms. Reeta Roy
CEO Mastercard Foundation
Full Profile
H.E. Edourad Ngirente
Prime Minister of Rwanda
Full Profile
Group CEO, Crystal Ventures
Full Profile
Mr. Jason Brantley
Vice President, Production Systems, Small Ag & Turf, John Deere
Full Profile
Ms. Ndèye Diop Niang
Partnerships Manager, Syngenta Foundation
Full Profile
Dr. Rebbie Harawa
Regional Director-East & Southern Africa, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Full Profile
H.E. Hans Hoogeveen
FAO Independent Council Chairperson
Full Profile
Mr. Zak Bleicher
Global Engagement, Advisor Food Systems COP 28
Full Profile
H.E. Josepha Sacko
Full Profile
Ms. Lindiwe Sibanda
Chair of the CGIAR
Full Profile
Mr. Andy Jarvis
Director Future of Food, Bezos Earth Fund
Full Profile
Ms. Rose Goslinga
Director Pula Insurance
Full Profile
Mr. Patrick Mwenefumbo
Head of Malawi MEGA farms
Full Profile
Ms. Chido Cleopatra Mpemba
Youth Envoy, African Union Commission
Full Profile
Ms. Jhanira Rodriguez Torrez
United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Bolivia
Full Profile
Mr. Jurriaan Middelhoff
Ambassador at Large, Team Youth, Education and Work, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Full Profile
Mr. John Kamara
Founder and CEO, Adanian Labs & AI Centre of Excellence (AICE)
Full Profile
Mr. Isaac Sesi
Sesi Technologies, Inaugural GoGettaz Winner, Ghana
Full Profile
Mr. Samson Alemu
Co-Founder, Thur Biotech, AYuTE winner, Ethiopia
Full Profile
Ms. Anaporka Adazabra
CEO, Farmio, Ghana
Full Profile
Mr. Wemkele Mene
Full Profile
Mr. Aliko Dangote
Chairman and CEO, Dangote Group
Full Profile
Dr. Akinwumi Adesina
President, African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
Full Profile
H.E. Amina Mohammed
Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG)
Full Profile
H.E. Hailemariam Dessalegn
Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia & Chair, AGRF Partner's Group
Full Profile
Mr. Njack Kane
Full Profile
Stefan Schmitz
Executive Director, Crop Trust
Full Profile
Mr. Dayo Aduroja
Director, Youth and Innovation Africa, Heifer International
Full Profile
Ibrahim Maigari Ahmadu
Founder/CEO, RiceAfrika
Full Profile
Yoda Blaise
Conseiller Special du Premier Ministre Sur les questions Foncieres - Burkina Faso
Full Profile
Ms. Kawtar Zerouali
Country Lead, UNCDF
Full Profile
Ms. Amandla Ooko-Ombaka
Partner, McKinsey & Company
Full Profile
Ms. Fatmata Sesay
Resident Representative of UNDP in Rwanda, UNDP
Full Profile
Ms Dorine Odongo,
Senior Communications Manager, African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), World Agroforestry (ICRAF)
Full Profile
Mr. Deogratius Magero
Youth Engagement Manager, CABI
Full Profile
Dr. Jemimah Njuki
Chief Economic Empowerment, UN Women
Full Profile
Dr. Edidah Ampaire
Senior Programs Specialist, IDRC
Full Profile
Dr. Monica Kansiime
Deputy Director-Development and Outreach Africa, CABI
Full Profile
Dr. Susan Kaaria
Full Profile
Prof. Amos Laar
Professor of Public Health Nutrition, University of Ghana
Full Profile
Dr. Patrick Kormawa,
Director, Food Security and Climate-Smart Agricultural Transformation, Office of the President, Government of Sierra Leone
Full Profile
Ms. Vivian Atakos
Engagement, Policy and Advocacy Lead - CGIAR Gender Impact Platform
Full Profile
Ms. Nicoline de Haan
Director, CGIAR Gender Impact Platform
Full Profile
Dr. Paswel Marenya
Associate Program Director, Sustainable Agrifood Systems Program, CIMMYT
Full Profile
Mr. Geoffrey W. Whaling
Chair, National Hemp Association, NHA
Full Profile
Dr. Julius Ecuru
Principal Scientist and Manager, Research Innovation Coordination Units, ICIPE/BioInnovate
Full Profile
Mr. Hambulo Ngoma
Agricultural Economist, CIMMYT
Full Profile
Mr. Jacob Mignouna
Molecular geneticist and plant breeder
Full Profile
Mr. Jerry Glover
Director, USAID
Full Profile
Mr. Hillary Cheruiyot
Program Officer, Eastern Africa Farmers Federation
Full Profile
Mr. Loren Stoddard
Full Profile
Ms. Catherine Maldonado
Senior Advisor for the Agriculture and Food Security Practice at Chemonics International.
Full Profile
Ms. Lucine Le Moal
Managing Director for USAID DRC Invest
Full Profile
Ms. Penjani Mkambula
GAIN Deputy Director of Programme Services
Full Profile
Ms. Martha Muhairwe
Investment Manager for USAID Uganda Strategic Investments Activity (SIA)
Full Profile
Wangui Muna
Director, Innovative Finance, Heifer International, Africa Programs
Full Profile
Mr. Adesuwa Ifedi
SVP Africa Programs, Heifer International
Full Profile
Mr. Dagmawi Habte-Selassie
Country Director Rwanda, IFAD
Full Profile
Mr. Eghosa Omoigui
Founder and Managing General Partner, Echo VC
Full Profile
Mr. Titianne Donde
Chief of Party, RTI FtF Prosper While Expanding Markets -Rwanda
Full Profile
Ms. Alice Kirezi
Head of Investment and Social Impact, Equity Bank
Full Profile
Mr. Kevin Gituma
Regional Director - Heifer Impact Capital - Africa
Full Profile
Mr. Andrew Mack
CEO, Agromovil
Full Profile
Ms Candice Kroutz-Kabongo
Digital Innovations Lead, Solidaridad
Full Profile
Mr. Tawanda Hove
Senior Program Officer-Digital Agronomy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Full Profile
Mr. Braima Luis Soares Cassam
Vice President, West African Development Bank
Full Profile
Mr. Sunru Yong
Partner - Dalberg
Full Profile
Ms. Mumbi Munene
Director and Agrifood Systems Expert, Sofala Partners
Full Profile
Mr. Khaled Eltaweel
Senior Coordinator, Office of the Director General; FAO/ UN Food Systems Coordination Hub
Full Profile
Hon. Aden Bare Duale
Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry, Kenya
Full Profile
Mr. Douglas Njiraini
Full Profile
Omondi Kashidi
Full Profile
Mr. Pedro Alves Corrêa Neto
Assistant Secretary of Innovation and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Brazil
Full Profile
Mr. Abdou Tenkouano
Director General & CEO ICIPE
Full Profile
Rodrigo Santos
Head of Crop Science, Bayer
Full Profile
Dr. Conrad Rein
Innovation Commission for climate Change, Food security and Agriculture
Full Profile
Ms. Alexandra Spieldoch
Director, Women's Entrepreneurship and Global Business Development (iDE Global)
Full Profile
Ms. Aslihan Kes
Senior Gender Advisor, Bureau for Resilience, Environment and Food Security, USAID
Full Profile
Ms. Gracious Maviza
Alliance of Bioversity, South Africa
Full Profile
Ms. Janette Toroitich
Youth Agripreneur, Kenya
Full Profile
Ms. Karen Munoko
Agribusiness and Gender Advisor, CAADP-XP4 Gender Working Group, Kenya
Full Profile
Mr. Mandlenkosi Maphosa
Alliance of Bioversity, Zimbabwe
Full Profile
Ms. Mariame Maiga
Regional Gender and Social Development Adviser, CORAF and Chair of the CAADP-XP4 Gender Working Group, Senegal
Full Profile
Ms. Caroline Raes
Country Representative, GGGI Rwanda
Full Profile
Dr. Malle Fofana
GGGI, Africa Regional Director
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Dr. Biola Kazeem Badmus
Unit Head for Sub Saharan Africa RM & Partnership Development, Islamic Development Bank
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Mr. Jean Claude Niyomugabo
Co-founder, Agirite (youth-led organization)
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Dr. Frank Rijsberman
Director General, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
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H.E Xuekun Wang
Chinese Ambassador to Rwanda
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Mr. James Warner
Research Fellow/Program Leader, IFPRI, Rwanda
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Mr. Clemens Breisinger,
Senior Research Fellow/Program Leader, Kenya Strategy Support Program
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Mr. Qiran Zhao
Professor, AGFEP and CAU
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Mr. Xu Tian
Professor, AGFEP and CAU
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Mr. Ji Gao
Director, China Energy Modeling Forum (CEMF)
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Ms. Fengwei Liu
Director, Food and Land Use Coalition, China
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Prof. Cheng Cheng
Lead of Asian Partnerships at AGRA
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Dr. Nega Wubenah
Head of Market and Trade, AGRA
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Mr. Jia Yan
South-South Cooperation Officer, WFP
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Dr. Uwizeyimana Herman
General Manager, Fisher Global Ltd
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Prof. Faqin Lin
Professor, AGFEP & CAU
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Prof. Xiaolong Feng
Associate Professor, AGFEP & CAU
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Ms. Mathilde Bauwin
Head of Knowledge Management, Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA)
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Ms. Caroline Morilhat
Coordinator, Smallholder Safety Net Upscaling Programme (SSNUP), ADA
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Mr. Jens Busma,
Head of the Agriculture and Rural Development Division, Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
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Mr. Arne Brandschwede
Advisor for Climate Change, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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Mr. Claus Reiner
Regional Climate and Environment Specialist, CompensACTION Initiative
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Mr. Kaushal Bisht
Lead, Partnership, Varaha ClimateAG Pvt, Ltd.
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Ms. Enid Charana,
CEO, Nyamira North Women Savings and Credit Society, Kenya
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Prof. Simon Wagura Ndiritu
Center Director, Strathmore Agrifood Innovation Center (SAFIC)
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Prof. Ahmed R. Elbeltagy
Animal Production, Natural Research Management, and Resilience, AU-IBAR
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Dr. Denis Mujibi
Principal Lead, Market Intelligence (SAFIC)
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Doreen Gacheri
Founder, Genco Livestock & Fresh Meat Export Limited
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Ms. Safia Boly
Executive Director, AATI
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Sanne Steemers
President, Rest of Africa, AFEX
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Olfunke Cofie
IWMI Regional representative and CGIAR Country Convenor
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Seifu Tilahun
IWMI - Inclusive landscape management
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Adebayo Oke
IWMI - Bundled innovations for food system transformation
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Mr. Jean Paul Kubwimana
Director of Conservation Programme , A4L Project Manager, ARCOS Network/Kigali Office
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Mr. Bernard Musana
Head of Knowledge and Fostering Hub Department, Rwanda Water Resources Board
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Noah Adamtey
IWMI - Agricultural Water and Nutrient Savings Practices at Farm Scale
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Mr. Hakeem Jimo
Country Director ProVeg International, Nigeria
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Ms. Sarah Lake
CEO, PlantWorks
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Ms. Glindys Luciano
Network Engagement. Coordinator, EIT Food
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Mr. Didier Toubia
Co-Founder & CEO, Aleph Farms
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Mr. Johnson Kiragu
Regional Director East Africa, Partners in Food Solutions
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Mr. Mandla Nkomo
CEO, Partners in Food Solutions
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Ms. Wanjiru Mambo
CEO, Wedgehut Food Kenya
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Mr. Nsengiyumva Prosper
CEO, Avocado Oil Industries Limited
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Mr. Deji Adebusoye
Partner, Sahel Capital
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Mr. Dan Kimani
Associate Investment Director, Acumen Resilience Agriculture Fund
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Mr. Rafael Flor
Senior Program Officer, Gates Foundation
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Mr. Miraj Shah
CEO, Crofts Food, Kenya
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Hon. Dr. Miryung Song
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, South Korea
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Ms. Gwen Mwaba
Director and Global Head, Trade Finance, Afreximbank
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Mr. Gagan Gupta
CEO, Arise
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Ms. Tara Nathan
Vice President, Mastercard
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Mr. Richard Kwaku Ofori-Mante
Director of the Agricultural Finance and Rural Development Department, African Development Bank
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Ms. Anna Nelson
Deputy Special Envoy for Global Food Security, Department of State, USA
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Hon. Samuel Kawale
Minister of Agriculture, Malawi
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Hon. Samba Ndiobène Ka
Minister of Agriculture, Senegal
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Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo
Executive Director, FARA
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Mr. Dickson Naftali
Head of Thematic Platforms, AFSF
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Ms. Nana Yaa Boakyewaa Amoah
Director - Gender, Youth and Inclusiveness, AGRA
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Mr. William Matovu
Country Director Uganda, Heifer International
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Ms. Nadine Munezero
Agriculture Enterprise and Development Specialist, USAID
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Ms. Savadogo Salamata
Burkina Faso
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Ms. Vanessa Adams
Founder & CEO, Level 4 International
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Mr. Edson Mpyisi
Chief Financial Economist, Coordinator ENABLE Youth Programme, African Development Bank (AfDB)
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Mr. Simon O’Connell
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Mr. Stephen Segujja
Head of the Economic Enterprise Restart Fund, Stanbic Uganda
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Ms. Carol Mumo
Social Impact Manager, Yara
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Mr. Kaleb Eyasu
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Adelaide Naa Okpoti
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Arinaitwe Patricia
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Dr Mwaka Namukonda
(Executive Director), The Consortium of African Youth in Agriculture and Climate Change (CAYACC)
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Mr. Noel Mulinganya
Youth Expert, CGIAR/ IITA youth enabler coordinator
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Project Management Specialist - Private Sector Engagement & Investment, USAID
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Mr. Vulley Caesar
Regional Youth Employment Specialist, OYA, FAO.
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Dr. Birungi Korutaro
CEO, Kilimo Trust
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Ms. Jane Lowicki-Zucca
MPA (she, her), Senior Youth Advisor, Feed the Future - Office of Country Implementation, Inclusive Development Division
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Dr Tewodros Ayele
Country Director Ethiopia, Heifer International
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Fatimatou Rabidine Hiyar
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Llucie Mushum
DRC Kuvu
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Yvette Le Fleur
South Africa
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Mahamat Oumarou Malloum
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Adamou Tchoumon Yero joseph
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Mr. Mashoko Chakanyuka
Head of Youth Employment, AGRA
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Orouate Ouska Dula Walidou,
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Tihut Tamirat Tadele,
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Sanago Litya
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Dum Stella Ledua
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Alexander Kadyampakeni
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Oumar Al Faroukh Abdoulaye
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Mr. Watson Matsa
South Africa
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Prof. Hamadi Boga
VP of Program delivery, AGRA
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Honourable Pape Malick Ndour
Minister of Youth, Entrepreneurship and Employment, Senegal
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Mr. Tajudeen Yahaya
CEO, Extension Africa
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Chispin Matinga
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MAIGA Yacouba
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Nélio Zunguza
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Pilabre Wendinkonte Djeneba
Burkina faso
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Zelalem Endalew
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Modesta Akipase Aziire
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Brian Muinde Muthenya
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Ms. Vu Thi Hai Ha
Technical Officer on Youth and Social Inclusion, IFAD
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Mr. Eulade Nzayinambaho
Managing Director, ABS (Agricultural Best Store) Technology Ltd
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Mr. Jeremiah Baraka
Kilimo Fresh
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Ms. Emerance Mukeshimana
Masaka Creamery Limited
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Ms. Hasina Andriatsitohaina
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Mrs. Crescentia Mushobozi
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Mr. Alexander Lingenthal
Senior Policy Officer, GIZ
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Mr Emmanuel Mugabo
Inkomoko Rwanda Managing Director
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Ms. Aayushi Kachalia
Agriculture Strategic Initiatives Lead, 60 Decibels
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Mr. Finola Mohan
Impact Management and Learning Executive, Small Foundation
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Ms. Elizabeth Kiarie
Impact Finance Manager, Rabo Foundation
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Mr. Ellie Turner
Agriculture Lead, 60 Decibels
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Ms. Mumbi Maina
Senior Access to Finance Officer, International Trade Center (ITC), Switzerland
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Ms. Mary Boote
Vice Chair, International Agri-Food Network
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Ms. Robynne Anderson
Director, General International Agri-Food Network
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Ms. Affiong Williams
CEO, ReelFruit Nigeria
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Ms. Massandjé TOURE-LITSE
Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, ECOWAS
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Dr. Boladale Adebowale
ST&I Policy and Management Researcher at National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM), OAU
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Alain SY Traoré
Director of Agriculture and Rural Development of ECOWAS
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Peter Dama
ECOWAS Rice Observatory, National Chapter, Nigeria
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Dr. Hiraoka Hiroshi
Senior Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
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Mr. Innocent Kabenga
International Union for Conservation of Nature
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Hon. Prudence Sebahizi
Minister of Trade and Industry, Rwanda
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Dr. Chizumba Shepande
Director of Agriculture, Zambia
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Mr. Chimuka Nketani
Director of Investment, Zambia Development Agency
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Mr. Akapelwa Imwiko
Director – Economic Management, Ministry of Finance and National Planning
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Mr. Oscar Chita
Director Policy and Planning, Ministry of Agriculture
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Dr. David Howlett
Feed the Future Coordinator, Bureau for Resilience, Environment & Food Security, USAID Zambia
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Mr. Coillard Hamusimbi
Advisor, Ministry of Agriculture, Zambia
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Ambassador Paul Gulleik Larsen
Special Envoy, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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Mr. Gabriel Ferrero
Ambassador at Large for Global Food Security at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Spain
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Lord Collins of Highbury
Minister for Africa FCDO (UK)
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Mr. Quentin Rukingama
Managing Partner, JBQ Africa
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H.E. Umo Bassey Eno
Governor Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
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Hon. Moses Vilakati
Candidate for Commissioner Agriculture, Blue Economy and Rural Development at the AU Commission
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Ms. Meera Shekar
Global Lead Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank
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Ms. Shanice Kalima
Project Manager, African Football League
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Hon. Richard Nyirishema
Minister of Sports, Rwanda
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Mr. Olusola Adeyemo
Lead, Sustainable Farming - Distribution and Youth Extension
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Ms. Lyndsay Handler
Co-founder and Managing Partner, Delta40
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Ms. Shanoo Saran
Managing Director - Africa, Food Systems for the Future (FSF)
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H.E. Mohammed Abdi Hayir
Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Federal Republic of Somalia
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Ms. Amsale Mengistu
Senior Program Officer, BMGF
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Dr. Catherine Nakalembe
Africa Director, NASA Harvest & Africa Food Prize Laureate
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Dr. Dorothy Nyambi
President and CEO of MEDA
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Ms. Andrea Bagnoli
WFP Representative and Country Director for Rwanda
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Ms. Wanjiku Guchu
Program Manager of the Excellence in Agronomy Initiative of the CGIAR under IITA
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Ms. Jennifer Ramnauth
Chief Digital and Information Officer, Mastercard Foundation
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Mrs Beverley Postma
Executive Director
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Ms. Adriana Telles Ribeiro
G20 Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil
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Mr. Faustin Ruhumuriza
President of the Audit Committee, Icyerekezo Mizizi Agricultural Cooperative
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Mr. Zachary Bleicher
Advisor Food Systems, COP 28
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Mr. Abdou Souleye Diop
Managing Partner, Forvis Mazars
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Ms. Amparo Gonzalez-Diez
Team Leader, Rural Development, Environment, Climate Action, Gender, EU Delegation, Rwanda
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Dr. Joan Matji,
UNICEF Representative to SADC and Botswana
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Ms. Coumba Dieng Sow
Representative and Country Director, FAO, Rwanda
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Dr. Gouantoueu Robert Guei
Sub-Regional Coordinator for West Africa, FAO and FAO Representative in Senegal
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Dr. Christine Mukantwali
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HE Mizengo Pinda
Former Prime Minister , Tanzania
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Ms. Corinna Hawkes
Director - Food Safety, FAO
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Mr. Maarten van Zonneveld
Head of Biodiversity, World Vegetable Centre
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Mr. Mduduzi Mbuya
Director of Knowledge Leadership, GAIN
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Dr. Stanford Blade
Deputy Director General-Research, ICRISAT
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Mr. Trent McKnight
Founder and President, AgriCorps
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Mr. Umaru Sheriff
Founder and Executive Director, 4-H Liberia
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Mr. Hamady Diop,
Strategic Advisor, NEPAD
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Mr. Jimmy Lee
Postdoctoral Fellow, Global Poverty Research Lab, Northwestern University
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Ms. Ann Nyaga
Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Cooperatives, Kenya
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Ms. Fatmata Lovetta Sesay
UNDP Resident Representative, Rwanda
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Hon. Gladys Ganda
Malawi, Member of Parliament, Malawi
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Mr. Guire Allassane
Cabinet Director, Minister of Agriculture, Animal
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Senator Mustapha Saliu
Chairman, Senate Committee on Agriculture Production, Services & Rural Development, The National Assembly, Nigeria
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Mr. Chris Roth
President, Reinke Manufacturing Corporation
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Ms. Rosine Uwamaria
Country Director, Trademark, Rwanda
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H.E. Hassan Mohammed Moalin
State Minister of Industry, Ethiopia
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Mr. Antoine Marie Kajangwe
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Rwanda
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Mr. Enock Sing’oei
IRFF Agricultural Insurance Lead, UNDP
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Mr. Komla Bissi
AFcTA, Senior Advisor to the Secretary General, Agriculture Value Chain
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Ms. Ethel Sibanda
Principal Consultant, Itad
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Boaz Keizire
Head of Policy, AGRA
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Hon. Richard Tushabe,
Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda
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Dr. Cheikh Oumar Ba,
Executive Director, IPAR
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Hon. John Frimpong Osei
Member of Parliament, Ghana
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Hon. Agho Oliver Bamenju
Member of Parliament, Cameroon
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Hon. Gertrude Kazarwa,
Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Rwanda
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Mr Richard Ofori-Mante
Executive Director, Eastern Africa Grain Council
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Mr. Jerry Ntare
Acting CEO, Agaciro
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Ms. Sylvie Nirere
Country Manager, IDH Rwanda
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Ms. Vivian Maduekeh
Program Director, Partners in Food Solutions
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Ms Jennifer Baarns,
Head of the Private Sector , AGRA
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Mr. Israel Chigozirim
Riwe Technologies, Nigeria
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Ms. Millicent Agidipo
Co-founder, Achievers Food, Ghana
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Ms. Andrea Bagnoli
WFP Representative and Country Director for Rwanda
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Mr. Faustin Ruhumuriza
President of the Audit Committee, Icyerekezo Mizizi Agricultural Cooperative
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Mr. Gerald Makau Masila
Executive Director, Eastern Africa Grain Council
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Mr. Russell Mittermeier,
Chief Conservation Officer, Re.Wild
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Dr. Lekan Tobe,
Country Director Nigeria, Heifer International
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Athman Mravili
FAO Coordinator for Central Africa and Representative in Gabon, Sao Tome & Principe, and Cameroon
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Mr. Taylor Quinn
Executive Director, Tailored Food
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Mr. Arno Bratz
Head of Sector Strategy, Knowledge, and Learning, Welthungerhilfe
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Ms. Ruth Okowa
Kenya Country Director, The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
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Ms. Purnima Menon
Senior Director, Food and Nutrition, CGIAR
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Ms. Hanneke Faber
President, Unilever
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Ms. Zeynab Wandati
Climate & Sustainability Editor, Nation Media Group, Kenya
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Ms. Hellen Mwale
Founder, Media Initiative Zambia
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Mr. Benjamin Kojo Fiafor
Senior Country Representative, Farm Radio International, Ghana
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Ms. Katie Taft
Senior Manager of Communications and Engagement at Bill & Melinda Gates Agricultural Innovations
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Mr. Joseph Adeyeye
Managing Director, Punch Newspapers, Nigeria
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Mr. Abenaitwe Cliff
Journalist, Deputy Managing Director, Water Journalists Africa
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Mr. James Munyaneza
Managing Editor at The New Times
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Ms. Siki Kigongo
Senior Regional Communications Officer- East & Southern Africa, AGRA
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Dr. Debisi Araba
Director, Wasafiri Hub
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Kiiza H
TEDx Host
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Hon. Philippe Legre
Minister Governor representing H.E. Robert Beugré Mambé, Prime Minister of Côte d’Ivoire
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Ms. Kindra Halvorson
Chief Transformation Officer , TechnoServe
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Ms. Sophie Ahmed
Ethiopia’s Country Director, FOLU Ethiopia
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Mr. Samuel Ssenyimba
Senior Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
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Ms. Zoe Karl Waithaka
Managing Director and Partner, BCG
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Dr. Namukolo Covic
Director General’s Representative to Ethiopia, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
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Ms. Maria Helena Semedo
Former Deputy Director General FAO, & Former Minister of Economy and Finance, Cape Verde
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Ms. Victoria Crawford
Director of Agriculture & Food, WBCSD
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Mr. Papa Amadou Sarr,
Executive Director of the Mobilization, Partnerships and Communication Department - Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
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Mr. Patrick Tonui,
Policy and regions director,GOGLA
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Hon. Bright Kanyontore Rwamirama,
Minister of State for Animal Industry, Uganda
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Mr. Martin Bwalya,
Senior Food Systems Specialist - Africa Region; UN Food Systems Coordination Hub
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Hon. Thierry Kamach
Minister of the Environment and Sustainable , Development , Central African Republic
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Ms. Charlotte Heffer
Senior Programme Manager, Energy Saving Trust
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.E. Ambassador Nosipho Nausca-Jean Jezile
Chair World Committee on Food Security (CFS)
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Kawtar Zerouali
UNCDF Representative, Rwanda
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Mr. Nick Goetschalckx
Policy Officer, INTPA, EU Delegation
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Dr. Tilahum Amede
Head. Resilience, Climate & Soil Fertility, AGRA
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Mr. Dejene Tezera
Director of the Agribusiness and Infrastructure Development Division, UNIDO
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Hon. Richard Tusabe
Minister of State In Charge of the National Treasury
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H.E. Mohammed Umar Bago
Governor of Niger State
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Mr. Rished Bade
Commissioner for External Finance, United Republic of Tanzania
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Mr. Lauren Good
Senior Manager Policy, Partnership and Deployment, BMG
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Mr. Edgar Aguillar
IRFF Value Chain Resilience Lead, UNDP
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Ms. Josephine Douglas
Douglas Laswai,UNDP Tanzania, Insurance and Risk Finance Lead
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Mr. Christian Kajeneri
the Director of Payment Systems at the National Bank of Rwanda
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Dr. Cheng Cheng
AGRA (curator)
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Dr. Canisius Kanangire
Executive Director, AATF
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Christele Toe
AGRA (Curator)
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Mr. Akintunde Akinwande
Head of Digital, OCP Africa
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Mr. Joao Bosco Monte
Founder and President, Brazil Africa Institute
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Mr Robert Mukiza
Director General, Uganda Investment Authority
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John Mathew Mnali
Director of Investment Promotion, Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC)
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Ms. Monica Froehler
CEO, Ban Ki-moon Centre
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Mr. Emmet Murphy
Technical Director - Agricultural Market Systems, Land O’Lakes Venture37
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Vice President, Nippon Biodiesel Fuel
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Dr. Shailendra Mishra
Global Head of Sustainability: Grains, Oilseeds, Feed and Freight, Olam Global Agri Pte Ltd., Singapore
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Hon. Allahoury Amadou Diallo
Former Minister President Special Advisor to the President of Niger
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Mr. Peter Saavedra
Co-Founder and Chief Regeneration Officer, Oath Africa
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Mr. Jerome Hassler
Chief of Staff to Group Chairman, UPL Group
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Mr. Simone Sala
Director, Global soil and ecosystems solutions, Varda
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Mr.Joseph Kugbe
Head of Agronomy - West Africa, OCP Africa
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Dr. Boubacar Manneh
Director General, Africa Rice
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Dr. Boubacar Manneh
Director General, Africa Rice
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Dr John Ulimwengu
Senior Research Fellow, Development Strategies and Governance Unit, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
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Ms Paulina Addy
Deputy Director at Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana
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Dr Vine Mutyasira
Specialist Policy Modeling, AGRA
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Ms Iris Irumva
CEO, Lead Access, Rwanda
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Ms. Julianna Lindsey
Rwanda Representative, UNICEF
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Mr. George Okeyo Apaka
Programs Lead, Agriculture, Mastercard Foundation
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Mr. Greg Hallen
Director of CLimate Resilient Food Systems, International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
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Mr. Iain Shuker
Regional Director, Eastern and Southern Africa, World Bank
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Mr. Kwamena Quaison
Director for Science Technology, and Innovation
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Ms. Michela Tomasella
Head of Cooperation, EU delegation to Rwanda
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Mr. Tlou Ramaru
Chief Director ,Climate Change Adaptation, Department of Forestry, Fisheries, & the Environment, South Africa
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Ms. Melissa Pinfield
Executive Director, Just Rural Transition Secretariat, Meridian Institute
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Mr. Paul Christopher Richards
CEO, AgLeaseCo Zambia
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Mrs. Patricia Amankwa Yeboah
Head of Agric Mechanization, CSIR Ghana
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Mr. Jaco Beyers
Managing Director Africa, John Deere
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Mr. Jean Jacques Muhinda
Regional Head, East Africa, AGRA
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Hon. Dr. Ildephonse Musafiri
Minsiter of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda
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Ms. Keisha Effiom
Rwanda and Burundi Mission Director, USAID
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Hon. Peter Gregory Obi
Former Governor of Anambra State, Nigeria, Youth Champion
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Mr. Adam Gerstenmier
Chief of Party, AGRA
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Mr. Iddi Mohammed Faried
Co-Founder, Kodu Technology
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Dr. Siboniso Moyo
Deputy Director General, Research and Development, ILRI
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Mr. Naweed Mulla
CEO Mbogo Ranches, Tanzania
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Mr. Abdul Rajab Mhinti
Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Tanzania
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Ms. Frauke Jungbluth
Practice Manager, Agriculture and Food Practice, Practice Manager, World Bank
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Dr. Shirley Tarawali
Chair of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock, ILRI
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Ms. Meron Sileshi Mekonnen
Marketer’s Academy, Ethiopia